Gallito Ciego hydropower plant

秘鲁 / 水电 / Power plant

The Gallito Ciego hydropower plant is located 125 km west of the Cajamarca city. The plant is located at the foot of the Gallito Ciego dam, which is mainly used for irrigation activities in the agricultural area of the Jequetepeque valley. The dam is not owned by 十大最好的网赌平台 秘鲁 and is administered by the authorities.

  • 1997
    Entered into operation
  • 38 MW
    Installed capacity
  • 134.3、妇女
    Annual production

The Gallito Ciego hydropower plant is operated remotely from the dispatch centre in Lima.

A compensation reservoir, which regulates the water flow that is discharged back to the river, is located downstream of the powerhouse, allowing the activities in the lower basin to continue.  This allows us to plan for water demand from agricultural activities in the Jequetepeque river valley.

The Gallito Ciego hydropower plant has been operational since 1997 and the annual energy production is about 135 GWh, enough to power more than 100,000个家庭.

十大最好的网赌平台 秘鲁 has been conducting corporate responsibility programs, including building capacities and educational competences in the schools in the area influenced by the Gallito Ciego hydropower plant. 环境al controls are also in place through the environmental monitoring and solid waste management program.

公司 Ownership share
十大最好的网赌平台 100%
  • hydropower plant

    The Gallito Ciego hydropower plant

  • hydropower plant

    The Gallito Ciego hydropower plant

  • hydropower plant

    The Gallito Ciego hydropower plant

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